5 Ways You Can Safely Train While Dealing With Pain

Working through pain just sucks. 🚫 It’s frustrating and I know it because of dealing with my own pains in the past, and with helping all the people I’ve been fortunate enough to to help get back to training at a high level. Most of the time, there are always ways to continue training while working through issues, but sometimes you don’t know if it is bad enough to stop training, so here are 5 ways to figure out if you should keep training or stop and see a healthcare provider ( i.e. physical therapist, chiropractor, massage therapist, athletic trainer, sports physician).

1. If you’re dealing with a pain that improves and goes away after 3-7 days, KEEP TRAINING ✅

2. If you find pain relief with decreasing the load, intensity, or volume, KEEP TRAINING ✅

3. If you find pain relief with changing the range of motion of movement (i.e deadlifting from an elevated height instead of from the floor), KEEP TRAINING ✅

4. Vary the movement/modify the movement (i.e. instead of deadlifting, try a weighted or banded hip thrust), KEEP TRAINING ✅

5. Change the exercise, but train the same body part (i.e. instead of deadlifting, try hip extensions with the GHD), KEEP TRAINING ✅

If none of these criteria are met to decrease your pain, or your pain doesn’t subside after 2 weeks, your next best option is seeing a trusted healthcare professional. 👨‍⚕️


Dr. Luke

If you have any specific questions about your training, we are excited to teach you have to take care of yourself so you can keep training at a high level in the communities you love to be a part of. Feel free to contact at team member at Training Nation through email at getbetter@trainingnationpt.com, or by phone at 937-802-4283.


How Long Will It Take To Get Back to Training After An Injury?


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