Out Of Your Control

Ouch. That almost hurts to write as much as it does to read out loud. But it’s the truth.

The title of this blog might seem completely off-putting for a certain crowd. Especially if you’re Type A, and for you, with a pen and a planner EVERYTHING is in your control.

In reality, there is some truth to that. One of my favorite quotes I’ve heard from Nick Bare, CEO of Bare Performance Nutrition (BPN), is “If you Fail to Plan, You Plan to Fail.” After a quick google search, some combination of those words may have been first uttered by Benjamin Franklin, and he’s a fairly important individual if I recall.

The point of this post is to recognize the importance of controlling the controllables. Some things in fact, are not in your control. You can’t control when your kids wake up sick. You can’t control when the car gets a flat tire. And to some people’s surprise, you can’t always control with 100% certainty, when you get injured. People get injured even when they feel like they’re checking all the right boxes: sleep, hydration, nutrition, mobility work. 

Heck, even elite level athletes are closely monitoring training volume, psychological stressors, meditation practices, supplementation, plus additional recovery habits (i.e. cold plunge, sauna). Even they can stumble upon nagging or sudden injuries.

In these instances, continue controlling the controllables. Get your main pillars of wellness in check. Or find individuals to help you get them in line. Being performance therapists, our job is to help you get them in check. When those are under control, it’s a lot harder to be rattled by life. Our passion is to help guide you back to these practices safely, and efficiently when something out of your control does pop up.

Just know, we’re in your corner and we want to be on your team. Let us be one of your controllables. If you're interested in learning more, click this link to schedule a FREE 20 min phone call to help us learn what's going on, and see if we can help you keep up with the community and people you love.

Dr. Gaige


Boost Your Recovery AND Be A Better Human


Well, It Was Getting Better…