The KEY To Making Your Life Easier
The best way to make your life easier really isn’t complicated at all. You need to be strong.
Most people we work with just aren’t strong enough still. Life is easier when you’re strong, and I’ve yet to hear from any client, “you know, Luke…if I was just weaker, all my problems would go away.”
Think about picking up an awkard object like a bag of mulch. If you’re lifting multiple bags, dumping, and spreading, it can be exhausting and you can easily strain a muscle in your back if youre not strong enough to keep good form.
BUT…If you can deadlift your bodyweight though…the confidence and task of picking up multiple bags of mulch becomes a lot easier.
Improved physical abilities you do everyday
Reduced risk of injury because your body is more resilient!
Better balance and posture
Weight management (muscle burns more calories)
Stronger bones and decreased risk of osteoporosis and fractures
Lower blood pressure and risk of chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes
Improved mood and self-esteem
Decreased pain
Reduced and prevent arthritis
“But Luke, what if I dont lift anything that heavy EVER?!”
I’m glad you asked!
Being generally strong is important for lunging with a toddler, getting up from the floor, cleaning low surfaces, gardening or weeding, playing with your kids/grandkids/pets, pushing yourself up from the floor, stepping over curbs or awkward items at home with your hands full (like laundry), carrying objects like groceries, walking on uneven surfaces, pushing. a lawnmower, a stroller, or maybe furniture. The stronger you are, the easier and less painful all these “normal” daily things will be for you.
Hopefully this doesn’t blow your mind, but gives you the motivation to keep moving and strengthening!!
Dr. Luke
PS…Interested in working with us to overcome weaknesses you may have? CLICK HERE for a completely free phone call to find out what you need to do to get stronger and live better!